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Don’t Get Norteled

Information security technology is today's bloodletting. Like bloodletting, it doesn't work!

If you care about the survival of your organization in an age when information security technology is failing us, then do as Dan Geer says and “Read This Book!”

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Don't Get Norteled book

Inside the book

So ask yourself: Is it possible to determine the intentions and character of the sender of a stream of bits? Isn't that like asking your building's receptionist to determine the intentions and character of everyone who walks through the door?

Of course you wouldn't do that. Instead, you would have her or him issue a badge identifying who is responsible for what happens while they're in the building. It's not about guard dogs and razor wire, it's about accountability.

If your company is relying upon firewalls and intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems and antimalware and security information event monitoring and similar stuff, it is relying upon the assumption that you can determine the intentions and character of the sender of a stream of bits.

In Don't Get Norteled, you'll learn why identity is at least as important as identity management, and you'll learn how to implement a system of pervasive digital signatures from measurably reliable identity credentials.


Don't Get Norteled front and back cover


464 Pages
ISBN 978-1-931248-23-5-2
Publishing Date: Friday, June 13, 2014

Printed Book
ebook Book
(PDF, ePub and MOBI)

Table of Contents

Making It Real
The Authenticity Infrastructure
The InDoors Infrastructure
The Common Vocabulary Infrastructure
Rampant Quiet Enjoyment
About the Author